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As one of the most well-liked actors in Hollywood, Tom Hanks is without a doubt one of the best out there. He is not only rewarded by the box office every time one of his films debuts, but he has also been awarded by his peers with an Oscar. He has an eclectic filmography, with comedies, action, animation, and drama filling out his impressive resume. He started his own successful film production office and has also delved into the realm of television. He is well respected as an actor and even has a son who is making his own name in film. With  and the new , this is the perfect time to do a reflix profile review on Tom Hanks. Here it is!

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My apologies for no post yesterday, with such a temperamental internet connection, the storm here in Southern Ontario destroyed my internet connection so I couldn’t add yesterday’s post. This week, I checked out some classics, some sci-fi, and a couple of recent releases.

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